







1、科研项目:(在研项目写在前面,重要的、已结题的放在后面,字体:宋体(中文)、英文(Times New Roman)、五号)

[1]     季风区典型暖期植被演变(国家重点研发计划“地球系统与全球变化”专项,2022YFF0801501, 2022/11-2027/10,(总经费2400万元)85万元,主持在研)

[2]    过去2000年中国泥炭地碳累积速率对气候变化和人类活动的响应 (国家自然科学基金委-面上项目,42171157, 2022/01-2026/12,71.5万元,主持在研)

2、科研论文(列举有代表性的,按照时间顺序,字体:宋体(中文)、英文(Times New Roman)、五号):

[3]    ZhaoWenwei, Li Huan, Chen Chunzhu, Hans Renssen.2022 Large-scale vegetation response to the 8.2 ka BP cooling event in EastAsia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 608,111303.

[4]    Chen Chunzhu, Zhao Wenwei, Xia Yuxin, Gu Qinran, Yi Wenwen, Zhang Yiheng, Wu Duo,Liu Jianbao, Zhang Xiaojian. 2022. History of human disturbance to vegetationin the Southeast Hills of China over the last 2900 years: Evidence from a highresolution pollen record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology598, 111028.

[5]    Xiaojian Zhang, Chunzhu Chen, Wenwei Zhao, and Liya Jin. 2022 Role ofAsian Westerly Jet Core's Zonal Migratio in Holocene East Asian Summer MonsoonPrecipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127,e2021JD036179.

[6]    WenweiZhao,A.A.,Andreev, V., Wennrich, P.E., Quan Li,Melles.2022 Quaternary environmental changes in central Chukotka (NE Russia) inferredfrom the Lake El'gygytgyn pollen records. Journal of Quaternary Science 

[7]    周桂宇,左昕昕*,赵文伟**,靳建辉,谢辉,任琳,林映君,裴瑶瑶,吴桂萍,郑婉茹,2022. 福建海坛岛长江澳晚全新世古泥炭层水稻植硅体的发现及其意义.微体古生物.39,253-262.

[8]    WenweiZhao, Chen Chunzhu, Jiang Qingfeng, Ji Ming, Zhen Jianan, YangYufeng, Ning Dongliang, Li Xiangzhong, Shen Ji. 2021. Holocene hydroclimate inthe source region of the Yellow River: a new geochemical record from LakeGyaring, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 205,104601.

[9]    Chunzhu Chen, Shuxian Tao,Wenwei Zhao,Li Guoqiang. 2021. Holocene vegetation and climate in arid northern Chinainferred from Lake Wulanhushao sediment core, southern Inner Mongolia.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 561,110051.

[10]  ChunzhuChen,Wenwei Zhao,ZhangXiaojian 2021. Pacific Decadal Oscillation-like variability at millennialtimescales during the Holocene. Global and Planetary Change 199,103448.

[11]  LiGuoqiang, Wang Zhong, Zhao Wenwei,Jin Ming, Wang Xiaoyan, Tao Shuxian, Chen Chunzhu, Cao Xianyong, Zhang Yunian,Yang He, David Madsen. 2020. Quantitative precipitation reconstructions fromChagan Nur revealed lag response of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation tosummer insolation during the Holocene in arid northern China. QuaternaryScience Reviews 239:106365

[12]  Wenwei Zhao,A.A., Andreev, V., Wennrich, P.E., Tarasov, M., Melles. 2019 The penultimateinterglacial vegetation and climate record of the northeastern Russian Arcticinferred from the Lake El’gygytgyn pollen record. Boreas DOI 10.1111/bor.12373.

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