Email: qianwangping@ntu.edu.cn
1、科研项目:(在研项目写在前面,重要的、已结题的放在后面,字体:宋体(中文)、英文(Times New Roman)、五号)
[1] 高铁隧道结构内部病害瞬变电磁响应信号空间修正及特征识别(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,52208395,2023/01-2025/12,30万元,主持,在研)
[2] 车载瞬变电磁法在城市地铁隧道病害快速检测领域中的应用研究(南通市基础科学研究计划,JC2021169,2021/06-2023/06,3万元,主持,在研)
[3] 高铁隧道结构表面病害海量图像快速采集与识别方法研究(国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,51978582,2020/01-2023/12,60万元,参与,在研)
[4] 岩溶隧道中排水系统结晶堵塞条件下衬砌结构安全风险与防控对策研究(浙江省交通运输厅科技计划项目,2021051,2021/01-2023/12,145万元,参与,在研)
[5] BIM+水利工程智慧工地管理平台开发与应用(横向技术服务,2022/09-2023/09,30万元,参与,在研)
[6] 桥梁健康监测及维修养护技术研究服务项目(横向技术服务,2012/10-2023/10,27.8万元,参与,在研)
[7] 城市桥梁移动荷载识别及超限车辆治理系统研发(横向技术服务,2022/06-2023/07,30万元,参与,在研)
[8] 部分预制装配式混凝土柱结构施工关键技术开发(横向技术服务,2021/08-2023/12,128.8万元,参与,在研)
[9] 东台市农业灌溉用水节水分析项目(横向技术服务,2022/01-2022/10,19.1万元,参与,结题)
[10] 路面施工项目施工安全专项风险评估服务(横向技术服务,2021/03-2021/04,10万元,参与,结题)
2、科研论文(列举有代表性的,按照时间顺序,字体:宋体(中文)、英文(Times New Roman)、五号):
[11] Yikang Xu, Zhaohua Sun, Wei Gu, Wangping Qian (Correspondingauthor), Qiangru Shen, Jian Gong. Three-dimensional inversion analysis oftransient electromagnetic response signals of water-bearing abnormal bodies intunnels based on numerical characteristic parameters [J]. MathematicalBiosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(1): 1106-1121
[12] Jinhua Xu, Shaohua Liu, Huaqiu Zhou, Rikai Zhang, Bo Wang, Yikang Xuand Wangping Qian (Corresponding author). Investigation on SpatialTransformation and Proportional Coefficient of Vehicle-Mounted TransientElectromagnetic Detection Environments in Operational Tunnels [J]. AppliedSciences, 2022, 12(18), 12189303, pp: 1-23.
[13] Qiangru Shen, Eddle Barmor, Weiwei Wu, Changqi Yue, Hui Cao, DongLu, Wangping Qian (Corresponding author). Road performance analysis of cement asphaltemulsion mixtures incorporating different cementitious fillers [J]. Journal ofMaterials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(5), pp: 04022051.
[14] Zhenyuan Gu, Yahui Lei, Wangping Qian (Corresponding author), ZiruXiang, Fangzheng Hao, Yi Wang. An Experimental Study on the MechanicalProperties of a High Damping Rubber Bearing with Low Shape Factor [J]. AppliedSciences, 2021, 11(21), 10059, pp: 1-24.
[15] Wangping Qian, Honghui Li, Jun Yu, Zhenyuan Gu. Theoretical andExperimental Investigation of Vehicle-Mounted Transient Electromagnetic MethodDetection for Internal Defects of Operational Tunnels [J]. Applied Sciences,2021, 11, 6906, pp: 1-18.
[16] Wangping Qian, Yikang Xu, Zhenyuan Gu, Ziru Xiang, Zongyang Li,Jinchao Liu, Jiujiang Wu. Characterisation of transient electromagnetic signalsduring fixed interference sources in tunnel structure [J]. MathematicalBiosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 6907-6925.
[17] Wangping Qian, Taiyue Qi, Haiyang Yi, Xiao Liang, Zhiyi Jin.Evaluation of structural fatigue properties of metro tunnel by model test underdynamic load of high-speed railway [J]. Tunnelling and Underground SpaceTechnology, 2019, 93(11), pp: 1-16.
[18] Wangping Qian, Taiyue Qi, Yunjian Zhao, Yizhou Le. Deformationcharacteristics and safety assessment of a high-speed railway induced byundercutting metro tunnel excavation [J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics andGeotechnical Engineering, 2019, 11(1), pp: 88-98.
[19] Wangping Qian, Taiyue Qi, Xiao Liang, Shaojie Qin, Zongyang Li, YanLi. Vehicle-borne transient electromagnetic numerical characteristic parameterof water-bearing body behind tunnel linings [J]. Mathematical Problems inEngineering, 2020, ID: 8514913, pp: 1-13.
[20] Wangping Qian, Taiyue Qi, Zhiyi Jin, Yuchen Gong, Weidu Ji, HaiyangYi. Fatigue characteristics of gypsum-based mixture material used as a similarmaterial in laboratory experiments under cyclic loading [J]. Journal ofMaterials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(6), pp: 04019065.
[21]钱王苹, 漆泰岳, 乐弋舟, 赵云建. 盾构隧道下穿高速铁路的安全因素分析及应用[J]. 铁道科学与工程学报,2017, 14(11): 2282-2289.
[22] 张碧文, 钱王苹(通讯作者), 漆泰岳, 项子儒, 王轶. 城市地铁下穿高铁路基沉降预测及安全控制, 地下空间与工程学报, 2021, 17(1): 282~289.
[23] Zongyang Li, Taiyue Qi, Shaojie Qin, Wangping Qian. The analysis ofthe early electromagnetic response of the receiving coil and its application atclose-range TEM detection [J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2021, 193(10),ID: 104409, pp: 1-13.
[24] Taiyue Qi, Xiao Liang, Zhiyi Jin, Wangping Qian. An experimentalapproach to evaluating the long-term performance of segmental linings [J].International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2019, 1900038:1~18.
[25] Yan Li, Taiyue Qi, Bo Lei, Zongyang Li, Wangping Qian. An IterativeInversion Method using Transient Electromagnetic Data for Water-filled CavePrediction during Tunnel Construction [J]. Geophysics, 2019, 84 (2): 89~103.
[26] Yan Li, Taiyue Qi, Bo Lei, Wangping Qian, Zongyang Li. DeformationPatterns and Surface Settlement Trough in Stratified Jointed Rock in TunnelExcavation [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23 (7): 3188~3199.
[27] Haiyang Yi, Taiyue Qi, Wangping Qian, Bo Lei, Bingrong Pu, YangyangYu, Yixuan Liu. Influence of long-term dynamic load induced by high-speedtrains on the accumulative deformation of shallow buried tunnel linings [J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 84(2): 166~176.
3、专利(列举有代表性的,按照时间顺序,字体:宋体、英文(Times New Roman)、五号):
[28] 钱王苹等,一种室内模拟瞬变电磁空间问题的装置,2022.03,中国ZL202122376551.6
[29] 钱王苹等,一种地铁隧道结构内部病害全断面车载检测方法与装置,2022.07,中国,申请中